Rental Contracts


QND's Rental Contracts

                            I (OWNER), give (NAME OF RENTER) permission to rent the (TYPE OF CAR) from (date to date). (NAME OF RENTER) agreed to pay $(AMOUNT) for the (DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY) rate. There is a deposit of $250 that is due before pickup and will be returned if there are no damages to the car, if the car has a full tank of gas, if there is no smell of smoke in the vehicle or if the car is cleaned inside and out. The deposit of $250 will not be returned If the car smells like smoke. (NAME OF RENTER) will report any tickets registered to the vehicle by sending pictures of tickets to the owner. (NAME OF RENTER) is fully responsible to pay for any tickets that are accumulated while in their possession. (NAME OF RENTER) will use their personal insurance to cover the car if any accidents or damages occurs in their possession. If there will be additional drivers to the car, they MUST be added to your personal insurance in order for them to be covered to drive the car NO EXCEPTIONS!